Monday, May 16, 2011

Last Days of Globaloria!

Our group presented our game on May 11th at about 1:45 p.m. Our group is called the Senioritas, and our game is the Chemsitry of Cosmetics.  It included facts about the chemicals that go into cosmetics that many teenage girls use everyday.  In each of our levels you have to balance an equation and each equation gets harder as the level goes on.  If you get an answer right then you get to pick an aspect of your own prom.  By the end of the game you can either have a good prom or a really bad prom.  In our video that we are going to post on our blogs, it will include:
  • The Big Idea

  • Making Decisions as a Team

  • Roles & Responsibilities

  • Research

  • The User Experience

  • Mastering Flash

  • Overcoming Challenges
  • Friday, May 13, 2011


    Well after a year's worth of fun times and bad, we are almost done with our senior year in Globaloria.  Our group has finished our demo and our team page.  We do not have the time to finish our game so we won't have The Chemistry of Cosmetics at the end of the year.  It has been fun trying to figure out flash and all of the aspects that go with it.  Our game was interesting and added something new to chemistry. We will be adding a video on here on Monday in this class.

    Wednesday, April 27, 2011

    Game Demo is FInished

    Our game demo is finished. We still have to work on our team page and finish some of our game.  I am not sure how much time we have left, but we are going to use our time to try and finish our game.

    Thursday, March 31, 2011


    Well we have figured out that this game is a little harder to make then we thought.  This game is very tricky and we have been trying to figure our game and all of the aspects to it. All I can say is don't underestimate flash.

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011


    We have put a few more screens into our game.  We have been bitmapping pictures to make them look like a cartoon.  Our game is coming along pretty well and we have the idea for our game all figured out.

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Today in Globaloria

    We are still figuring out how we want our game to run and the actions in our game. We need to figure out how our characters are going to be set up and what actions they are going to do in our game. Everything is getting a little overwhelming but I'm sure that we will be able to figure it all out.